Thursday, June 28, 2007

Stories From The Beach...

Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam

June 28, 2007
N 10°11.124
E 103°57.963

Introduction: As Marc sits on a remote beach in Vietnam writing little stories, I am in San Diego, CA with my friend who is getting married in two days. Sorry, Marc's stories won't have any pictures until I return to Vietnam on 7/5.

Here is one of Marc's stories...

Little boys, big sister and dog scampper down the beach.
Soaked, smiling, sandy.

Coconuts fight to stay at sea.
Floating travelers.
Tide rolls them up and down the shore.
Struggling, exhausted they come to rest.

Unknowingly, sister and brothers aid the stranded travelers.
Laughing, heaving the brown balls back to sea.
As far as their small arms will allow.

Bouncing, bobbing, afloat... again travelers.


Mike T said...

Dude, I like this. Good post.

Marc & Laura said...

Thanks man... it was great to find the time to just sit back and watch things.