Friday, August 11, 2006

5 months...

So, last update was 7 months and counting… now we’re 5 months and 143 days away. It’s getting very real.

All systems are still a Go.

The good news is "time" doesn't stop and with every second we are a second closer. However, the tidal wave is coming... we have several tasks that need to be completed in the last 60-90 days before we leave and the thought of getting it all done is some what overwhelming.

Just think about it, you’re leaving your home, your family and your job for a full year (not necessarily in that order). What this means is: change car insurance, change home-owners insurance, get health care & travel insurance, vaccinations, cancel subscriptions, re-route mail, move all material assets out of your home, change all utilities, lease your home out for a year, refill prescriptions, gather all clothes and gear that you will carry for a year, finalize itinerary, purchase air tix, and oh yeah... quit your job and make sure all loose-ends are tied up so you don't burn any bridges when you take off for a year.

Pile on baby... and the rule of “thirds” is still constantly being violated (see definition, March 09, 2006). Laura and I seem to communicate via Instant Messaging and Text Messaging more than verbally (see exchange below). She travels for work 2 weeks per month and I work so much we probably see each other less now than ever before. The running joke is, “Who are you and what are you doing in my house?”

Is this really what it's all about?

Session Start (mjheckman:Laura): Wed Aug 09 10:05:48 2006
[10:05] Laura: Hi
[10:05] mjheckman: hey
[10:06] Laura: how are you?
[10:13] mjheckman: fn busy
[10:13] Laura: sorry sweetie
[10:13] Laura: me too
[10:13] Laura: I didn't sleep
[10:13] Laura: and then only 30 minutes on the plane
[10:14] mjheckman: sorry
[10:15] Laura: I hate how we are both so busy and stressed out
[10:15] Laura: it sucks
[10:15] Laura: I get in at 715!
[10:18] mjheckman: ok
[10:18] mjheckman: see u tomorrow
[10:18] mjheckman: LU
[10:18] Laura: LU2
[10:48] *** "Laura" signed off at Wed Aug 09 10:48:21 2006.