Saturday, February 17, 2007

Valentine’s Day in Mendoza...

February 14, 2007
Valentine’s Day

Mendoza, Argentina
S 32°53.353
W 068°50.862

We started Valentine’s Day out the same way we start every day…with a cup of coffee. We found a little café with tables situated under the shade of several sycamore trees outside on the pedestrian mall along Avenue de Sarmiento. Valentine’s Day appeared to be just as big of a commercial holiday in Argentina as it is at home. As we sat in the shade enjoying our café con leche we watched both men and women frantically rushing around to pick up last minute gifts for their loved ones, florists delivering roses, and young ladies walking around with the flowers they already received.

Since Marc and I left our wedding bands at home, we decided in the spirit of V-Day it would be fun to look for little bands to replace our wedding rings while we travel. I actually thought it would be a really good idea after a little “situation” in Valparaiso. As we were sitting outside at a café a Chilean man (mid-fifties and not nearly as good looking as he probably believed) sat down at our table and talked to us, or should I say me. It was almost as if Marc didn’t exist at the table. The guy provided us (me) with excellent information about the sites and some local restaurants, he even provided us (me) with his card and personal cell phone number. He was probably just being friendly, but there was definitely a vibe that I detected and Marc enjoyed immensely. I hoped getting rings would help us (me) avoid situations like this in the future.

After visiting a few stores surrounding the square, we headed to the craft show at the Plaza de Independencia where we found two very simple rings to wear for the remainder of our trip. After we put the rings on each other, we headed to a cute little wine bar to sample more of the local vino and finally caved-in and had our first (and probably not last) helping of ice-cream.

What a great way to spend Valentine’s Day!

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