Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Another Step Back...

San Francisco, CA USA

February 19, 2008
N 37°48.049
W 122°24.580

Another step in our re-entry process started today, at least for one of us, as Marc went back to work. It was inevitable, of course. We knew our good times of leisure and travel couldn’t last forever, but they were sure nice while they lasted and probably changed us forever.

Now I have to find ways to keep myself busy until I find a job and avoid the post travel blues. The past week has been challenging for both of us. Our house is back together, there isn’t a lot to do except enjoy the sunshine and our neighborhood, but the scenery is the same. We became so used to moving through different cities, taking in new sites, attempting to comprehend different currencies, and understand different languages on a regular basis, that even multi-cultural San Francisco hasn’t been able to hold our attention.

A lingering depression has grabbed hold of us and won’t let go. We planned, saved and dreamed about our trip for over two years. We finally embarked on our journey in early 2007, enjoyed every minute, and made it safely back home after 368 days on the road. So, after three years of being consumed by The Big Trip... it’s now over.

As we sit in our house it now consumes us in a different way. With memories we can’t forget, don’t want to forget… beaches, children, remote villages, smiles, friends, travel days, daunting weather, food and always the thrill of what’s next.

As we try to return to life as “responsible” and “productive” citizens we grapple with the need for balance and those people we used to be. I think we’re ready to get back in the “game”, but at the same time we will always miss those Travelers.

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