Friday, April 06, 2007

Just a Quiet Day in BA...

Buenos Aires (Palermo District), Argentina

April 6, 2007
S 34°35.045
W 058°24.500

It was around 12:15 PM when we woke up this morning, the day after Marc’s birthday celebration. We had a wonderful dinner at Rio Alba last night, whose specialty is Ojo de Bife, or rib eye. Marc ordered the specialty, the full portion, figuring he’d bring home leftovers for a nice breakfast of steak and eggs. I ordered the pork tenderloin which looked like a giant penis and tasted wonderful, and we shared a nice bottle of Luigi Bosca Malbec Reserve. We’ve been following our friend Angela’s motto, and enjoying at least a bottle of wine every night since we’ve been in BA… a bottle of wine on any given night!

It didn’t matter that we woke up after noon today since it was Good Friday. The majority of businesses were closed to honor the holiday. We suspected this may be the case and spent the majority of the day strolling through quiet streets, pausing at parks, and occasionally stopping to pick up bread, wine, cheese and other staples so we could cook dinner in our apartment tonight.

Not much else to say… it was a quiet day in BA and we’re just chillin’.

1 comment:

Leo Piccioli said...

Hey, I see you are doing a lot of things we Porteños have never done!
Tell us more about them!

Do not forget to visit the Colón!

PS: try to find my ISP in Google Analytics.