Sunday, January 27, 2008

It Will Never Be the Same...

Koh Phi Phi Don, Thailand

January 27, 2008
N 07°44.128
E 098°46.795

My mother-in-law, Teddy, told me a story about Marc when we were in Vietnam. The story was based on a trip to Disneyland when Marc was eleven, his sister nine and his brother was three. The three siblings had a great trip visiting the Mouse. In the car, getting ready to leave the parking lot of Disneyland, Teddy looked in the backseat. Marc’s eyes were welled up, replaying the trip in his head. Teddy quickly asked, “Marc, what's wrong?”

Today, we're standing on the side of the ferry, looking back at the beautiful, lush green island of Koh Phi Phi, reflecting on our visit to the island. We had a great time relaxing on the beach, eating great Thai food and chicken at Tuks and staring off of our balcony into the crystal blue waters. We looked back one more time, looked at each other, eyes glossy as the ferry pulled away towards Krabi and the mainland. I looked over at Marc and said, “What's wrong?”

Both of the stories ended the same. When Marc was eleven, a child who analyzed everything, he knew as he grew older Disneyland would change for him. “It will never be the same,” he told Teddy while choking back tears. “The experience will never be the same for me again.” Teddy turned forward and fought back her own tears; knowing her oldest son was growing-up and was no longer a little boy.

Fast forwarding to present day, as we pulled away from Koh Phi Phi, an island that changed tremendously in the five months since we were there last, Marc smiled and said, “It will never be the same.” This time his words had a tone of happiness, he's happy for the Thai people and their ability to continue to rebuild the island and their lives. At the same time, he had regret because he knows if we have the opportunity to visit Koh Phi Phi again the island will continue to evolve into a hot tourist destination, losing some of its character

Koh Phi Phi is an island where you tell time by the ferries and where they're coming from; an island where a local gives you a smile and its really a smile; an island where toddlers run freely in dusty alleys from dawn 'til dusk; an island where you can still find a secluded beach; an island where roosters run through your legs as you walk to dinner.

Marc is probably right, the experience for us on Koh Phi Phi will never be the same; however, we have a lot of great memories and pictures to last a lifetime. We wish all the local people on the island a lot of happiness and, of course, Good Luck.

A few more Top 5 Lists…

Worst Insects

  1. Sand Flies (New Zealand)
  2. Bed Bugs (Port Douglas, Australia
  3. Malaria Mosquitoes (Montanita, Ecuador)
  4. Cockroaches (South East Asia)
  5. Mosquitoes (Laos)

Best Food

  1. HoiAn, Vietnam
  2. Florence, Italy
  3. Buenos Aires, Argentina
  4. Bilbao/San Sebastian/Barcelona, Spain
  5. Prague, Czech Republic

Best Beer

  1. Czech Republic
  2. Belgium
  3. Argentina
  4. New Zealand
  5. Holland

Best Wine

  1. Spain
  2. Argentina
  3. Italy
  4. France
  5. New Zealand

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